Leda Bear
Female5 Vids
About Leda Bear Come join the #BearCult, which is what big titty, goth girlfriend, Leda Bear, calls her legions of adoring fans. An alt-babe with piercings, tattoos, and hair dye, Leda is as kinky as they cum. A lover of rough facefucks and riding dicks, Leda got her start in the adult industry as a cam model. Quickly she realized she loves being slutty on camera and decided to leave cam to create her own adult movies and join mainstream porn. Leda's huge tits and amazing ass are barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what's fun to watch about this unique soon-to-be-superstar.
Lugar de nacimientoUnited States Of America
Color de ojosBlue
Vello facialNo
Pechos falsosSí
Color de peloBrunette
InteresesGuys And Girls
Estado civilSingle
Signo zodiacalScorpio